Adult Sunday school classes meet on Sunday morning starting at 9:30am.

You can find information about our Youth and Children's Sunday school classes
by clicking the link.



    Room 111

    Singles and couples are welcome to join this relaxed, open, casual group. New Wine averages 10-15 students every week with an age range of 50- to 70-something. This class participates in a variety of discussion based studies and some seasonal lessons. For more information, contact Janet Jones (205)338-1370.


    Room 116

    This group is comprised of people ages 40 and up. Discussions about faith, culture, Scripture, current events, and how they intersect are based on a variety of videos and books by writers, such as Richard Rohr, Adam Hamilton, Phyllis Tickle, and Amy-Jill Levine. Recent studies have included Unafraid, The Lord's Prayer, Making Sense of the Bible, and Half Truths by Adam Hamilton, Different not Divided-Finding a Third Way (a video based study on how people of faith can stay together even if they disagree), and Guided by Grace, Love & Light, a video study on developing transformative intimacy with God. Class members are committed to openness and inclusion. It is a safe place to ask hard questions.  Contact Ava Rozelle at (205)505-0811 or

  • Koinonia

    Conference room

    Koinonia is the Greek word for “fellowship” and this class seeks to develop fellowship with one another and with God. The group is primarily younger adults (20 somethings to 50ish). Recently formed, Pastor Rachel leads this discussion based class.